Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The training

Hi my name is Sonja Visada. I am from New Zealand, but I live in America and work for NASA, as a trainee astronaut. Today is my lucky day because I was chosen to go into space. My mission is to go to the moon and find an easier way to get water from below the surface. There are 3 more experienced astronauts coming with me. Their names are Fred Feris, Suze Silkvian and Bob Raiser. After I accepted the mission, my commander told me that my training starts this afternoon. I am so excited my first actual mission in actual space!!

The Afternoon
It is time for my first Space training!
In it I learned how to fly the T-34 which is a training aeroplane. We also went into a room with a zero gravity simulator, which is a machine that makes it seem like you are floating. Then we had to go into a space shuttle simulator, which helps you adjust to the speed that we will travel. After my long training, I went home feeling tired but excited and enthusiastic about my mission.

That evening at home I checked my emails. I had got one from NASA saying that I was to go into space in two days and I have to come in tomorrow and try on my space suit. I made some dinner and watched some TV. I had a shower and read for a bit. I felt tired after a while and went to bed.

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