Monday, June 28, 2010

The Mission

Today we start our mission. Suze starts the space shuttle and we fly to the moon. When we land on the Moon we unstrap ourselves and get out. We were curious, so we went to get a closer look and then we found a big dent in the moon. We went over to the dent and discovered that it was a hole leading down to the centre. We needed to found an easier way to get the water out the ground. So we all started thinking. Than suddenly it hit me! I had an idea about how to get the water out of the Moon. All we had to do was make a pump and put it in to the ground. We made our way back to the I.S.S and changed into something more comfortable and Suze started making the pump with Bob directing. While Fred and I thought of a way to get the pump into the ground. After we prepared the shuttle for tomorrow.
The next day we went back to the moon. Fred and Bob put the pump into the ground and we tried it out. It worked so we checked the water to see if it was clean. We put a special drug into the water to make it clean. Then Suze analyzed the water and discovered that it was cleaner than on earth. The mission was a huge success!!!!!!!! We went back to the I.S.S for our last day.

1 comment:

  1. One tip, talk about how you feel in the shuttle, what are you doing in the shuttle
