Monday, June 28, 2010

The day of the launch

Before I go into space I meet my team. Suze Silkvia is first to arrive. She has been in space 6 times before. On this mission, Suze is the scientist who is monitoring the levels of water hidden beneath the moon's surface. Next is Fred Feris. He has been to the moon 3 times. In this mission he is our boss. Last but not least is Bob Raiser. He has been on a mission to fix a satellite, so on this mission he needs to build the machine that we will use to get the water. Suze and Fred seem nice, but I don't really like Bob because he is too grouchy. I tried my uniform on. It was a perfect fit, but it took a long time to put on. We got our equipment and more info about our mission.

In half an hour we get ready to launch!! I feel very excited and nervous at the same time. Our commander gave us a few last minute words of encouragement and advise. He said to us "This mission is very important to the world because one day we might be able to build a space station on the moon. We need the water because people are going to live there and we need water to survive. Good Luck! Have a safe trip." That made me feel determined to complete my mission to the best of my ability.

We leave in 2 minutes so we are boarding now. Bob starts the count down and the engine. We all start counting "10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0". The shuttle starts moving with a roar of the engine. I felt thrilled and powerful. After about 20 minutes we got to the I.S.S. (the international space station Freedom). When we arrived at the I.S.S we met the Cosmonauts (astronauts) from Russia. After we looked at photos to decide on the best place to land the shuttle on the moon. For dinner we had beef and vegetables which is in a plastic bag mixed with a bit of water. Than we all went to bed. Our beds are sleeping bags attached to the wall and we have to zip them up very well so we don't float every where when we're sleeping.

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